Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Rs 4148.50 Taxi Ticket From Mopa To Benaulim Goes Viral – By Augusto Rodrigues
Monday - Jan 9, 2023
“The bill of Rs 4148.50 for a taxi from International Airport of Mopa, to a hotel in Benaulim sounds expensive, but we must not jump to conclusions as we are not aware of the brand of the taxi booked by the client,” stated Ernest Dias, COO of Sita Travels, when asked to comment on a taxi bill that has gone viral on social media
The Corruption In Waste Management Stinks - By Aires Rodrigues
Sunday - Jan 8, 2023
Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has finally publicly acknowledged that there is rampant corruption in Waste Management. But why did it take the Chief Minister so long to realise something that was known to all. We need to know what action the government plans to take to crack this corruption
Goa’s Roads - A Current Disaster - By Aires Rodrigues
Sunday - Jan 8, 2023
Unless there is a sustained people's movement in Goa to demand good and durable roads, the perennial potholes will never vanish. It is high time Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and PWD Minister Nilesh Cabral realize and come to terms on the need for good roads. They should be advised that a Good Road
Strange Drama That Is Unfolding In Goa’s Political Circus Arena – By Menino Fernandes
Saturday - Jan 7, 2023
Hunger and lust for power brings an end to mankind. Go round the world and see how the politicians kick their chairs and never return back if they are on the wrong. However, in India and specially in Goa, at any cost they love to stick their bums to the power chair, come what may, irrespective of any crime they commit or are caught in the corruption row
Who Is That Powerful Ghost In The CM’s Office? - By Aires Rodrigues
Saturday - Jan 7, 2023
The Goa Government ought to make public the complete details of that extra-constitutional authority that has been managing and virtually running the Chief Minister’s office since July 2020. The mysterious Dr. Ms Pratibha from Maharashtra, a very low-profile hand-picked RSS nominee, a social scientist with PhD from RSS supported
Revenge & Retribution By Those In Power Is Now The Order Of The Day - By Aires Rodrigues
Saturday - Jan 7, 2023
Politicians in Power by virtue of their positions must be always ready for both bouquets and brickbats. But today’s ruling political tribe is intolerant to any criticism. They are hypersensitive and lack the spine to deal with even positive brickbats but are ready to stoop to any level to accept cheap artificial bouquets
The Severing Of Goa’s Lifeline: Diversion Of Madei’s Waters – By Augusto Rodrigues
Friday - Jan 6, 2023
A river is the lifeline of a community, and the Madei, which in English means “big mother”, has quite evidently smoothly engineered the ecosystem of Goa. The Madei is being diverted, and its children are beginning to worry, and the cry of its child Rajendra Kerkar is turning into a wail. “Madei is the only river out of the eleven rivers in Goa that provides the maximum quantity of drinking water to Goa. Forty-three per cent of people in Goa get water from Madei,” explains Rajendra Kerkar, one of the few environmentalists from Goa known internationally.

“Madei originates in Karnataka, but it has been the heart of Goa insofar as supplying water is concerned. There is no problem if Karnataka wants to divert the water to cater to its people’s drinking needs. But there has to be a mechanism in place on how it is to be done,” feels Rajendra, whose tryst with nature
Goa Governor Must Rise On Madei - By Aires Rodrigues
Thursday - Jan 5, 2023
There have been blatant lies and sheer deceit by the BJP in hoodwinking Goa and Goans on Madei. The Central and State Government are both responsible for having fooled Goans on this very crucial Madei issue. It was a very big blow to our State on New Year’s Eve. Our fight on Madei has to be a people’s battle
Is It Double Standards And Hypocrisy By The RSS? - By Aires Rodrigues
Wednesday - Jan 4, 2023
The BJP has close ideological and organisational links with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) which has been at least officially concerned about the moral bankruptcy while sounding the alarm against all wrong social tendencies. So, with the RSS Supremo Mohan Bhagwat now in Goa for his conclave he should be able to shed light on that stoic silence
What Ails Tourism In Goa? – By Savio Pinto
Tuesday - Jan 3, 2023
“The recent episode at Vasco da Gama harbour when American tourists are denied their rightful sightseeing trip of Goa has indeed opened up a Pandora’s box. Though, the tiff between the tour operators and taxi drivers is nothing new to Goa, it has been happening there for decades. There were always some skirmishes, but this time it went beyond ones
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