Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Niz Goenkar
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Labourers Brought Down To Goa Tukaram One Of Them – by Blandino Viegas
Saturday - Jun 15, 2024
Labourers Brought Down To Goa Tukaram One Of Them – by Blandino Viegas
Arrey Tukaram Manoj Parab, in the beginning and immediately after so called liberation of Goa in 1961 there was shortage of labour in Goa and migrants were brought from UP the bhaiyas to work at Harbour docks. You could see all over Vasco docks and railways side white topiwala bhaiyas. Goa Government did not give them flats for accommodation. Poor bhaiyas built huts in open spaces in Vasco and lived there.
Later, ex MLA of Vasco Mr. Simon De Souza a Kannadi himself brought thousands of kannadis also as labourers to work at Vasco harbour and Zuari Agro Chemicals at Sancoale. That's how migrants built their small huts in open land of Sancoale Communidade. During the same period industrial developments started in Goa and Goa imported cheap labour and other cheap work force as Goans were not ready to work for low salaries. Goans had big families to look after and hence could not manage with low salaries.
Hence, they migrated to different countries. And Goa became Gulf to migrants as most of Goans left shores keeping their elderly parents and family members behind. The migrants came handy to the elderly. Otherwise, who would take care? You Tukaram Bharat Parab alias Manoj Parab? The migrants have contributed to Goa in one way or the other. Goans cannot be ungrateful to them. Yes, they built small zapadpattis (hutments) in Government Communidade Alvara lands because Goa Government or those companies’ industries etc who brought them failed to provide them with accommodation from beginning. In every country there are rented quarters for accommodation for immigrants. Even privately built and rented buildings.
In Goa private houses are rented. Goan culture and Indian culture is not same. Goans live in harmony. Indians are different. Goans lived keeping doors windows open even at nights during Portuguese rule. No fear of robberies crimes etc. Today galore because no strict rule. No palmatori. Goans don't hate migrants. Little hate because they came to Goa dirty and have dirty habits and not like Goans. Originally Goans called them Ghatis as Goans believe they came from Ghats, hilly regions across Karnataka, Maharashtra and beyond.
Now my question is, why Manoj Parab is bothered about migrants? Did Government, comunidades or Alvara land owners hired him to drive away the migrants? Why he is after migrants? He himself is a migrant a settler. Does his 3 generations have "Teor"? To prove he is Niz Goenkar? He simply showed incompletely birth certificate when he was on Goa Su-raj party GSRP platform. And some shameless Goans are supporting him. Do we need an outsider to look after Goan our interests? Migrants is not an issue in Goa. But the law enforcing authorities are incapable to carry on their duties diligently and without accepting bribes. During Portuguese people feared soldad (soldiers).
RG started with POGO DUAL CITIZENSHIP MIGRANTS and what not. For what? All these illegal occupation of land by migrants, scrapyards etc are all in the beginning ie 50 + years were allowed by sarpanch Communidade Administrators Government official who were paid bribes. All of them were given free ration cards than politicians made their voting cards thru Mamlatdars Collector etc. They have all licenses proofs. How you can blame migrants only?
Still Government must build quarters and rent it for minimum rent according to wages. Don't hold migrants etc responsible. Konkan Railway also made it easy for the migrants to travel. Thanks to CM Protos Barbosa and Churchill Alemao. Goa Government must be held responsible. And Manoj Parab taking advantage of situations and carry on assignment of splitting votes. So, I suggest Tukaram to stop his gimmicks. If RG is here to play clean politics than they should contact Dr. Oscar Rebelo for advice and guidance.

Comments (5)
Alfredo Rodrigues
Monday - Jun 17, 2024
The detailed write up from Blandino is great and everyone who reads it show agree to it without further questions. But still there will be people for debates and argue against it. This is our life and the real true Goans have to suffer the brunt of it. I will say let God handle the situation and give us the grace to understand the real talks against the fakes which we hear very often nowadays. To speak on any subject one must be matured and have proper knowledge of it. Otherwise it becomes only dogs barkings without knowing what you are trying to say. It really pains my heart to hear such vague arguments.
Enclidas De Elly
Monday - Jun 17, 2024
Blandino ban tunvem boroun kaim sotam uzvaddailim, punn jem kitem ghoddlam tantum amche Goenchi porza gunneanvkar karann jim kamam korunchim aslim tim korpak konn fuddem soro maslo sogott bhair danvtale

Zori aplo ganv rakunk zai tor ganvkaranim ganvchea kamanim vavrunchi goroz asta tednam bhaileank haddpachi poristhiti ascho nasli
Je munxeank bhaile haddun bhorleat te unnea pagarak lagun anik aplea faideak lagun. Gorib munis dispotto soddoupak khoinsorui veta zoxe khas goenkar aplo fuddar korpak bhailea deshanim asat vo azun pasun vetat hacherui amim lokx dounchi goroz asa. Am hem asa taka sanddun amim bhair gele mhunntoch bhaoleank xeva korpak haddche poddtat tor ho huneanv konnacho ? Dusrem mhull'lear Parab khoincho goem bhailo nhoi ? Zammem goeant chakre khatir vosti keli anik goenchem nagrikponn melloilem ?
Rupesh Pednekar
Monday - Jun 17, 2024
@Blandino Viegas, you have spoken the truth. This man comes out only during elections and does nothing but creates confusion and mistrust among the Goans. That is his job. He is well paid for it by the BJP sarkar. I am surprised how the Christians support him blindly. Fools from England of Goan Origin has pocketed his bolsam with lots of collected cash. Shame on the NONDON GOENKARS.
Ignatius Dias/Agassaim
Monday - Jun 17, 2024
Nice article Viegas bab.
Parab is a 100% Marathi manus and he is contesting election not to win but to spoil and split the votes. His candidate Viresh Borkar won in St. Andre because people were not happy with Francis and Congress fielded a mediocre candidate. Furthermore Borkar was financed by Swindonkar and the youth of St. Andre supported him. This is the first and the last. In future RG will never win a single seat in Goa.

Do you think by taking advice from Dr. Oscar there will be some change? Dr. Oscar is a nice person, excellent doctor, good writer, etc but a bad politician. Ask him what he did with GBA.
Sunday - Jun 16, 2024
MdG explained it correctly: Manoj Parab's RG is about Marathi ghanttis vs non-Marathi ghanttis. It's also about splitting anti-BJP votes (RG funding was from BJP worker Satish Dhond). Most non-Marathi ghanttis started mass immigration via Konkan Railway in the 1990s, now their children born in Goa are competing with Goa-born Marathi ghanttis for government jobs and resources. The more educated native Catholic majority is forced to emigrated during their youth (to make the higher salary abroad needed to buy overpriced real estate in Goa and have sufficient retirement savings to retire back home), thanks to higher costs of living resulting from mass immigration.

Ghanttis OTOH don't move back to their native villages for retirement but instead create a multi-generation fraud, notably Marathi ghanttis who allied with Bamonns last century in a pathetic attempt to rewrite Goan history (forced conversions, Inquisition atrocities, Maratha superiority, etc.) but got exposed as shameless liars by the Inquisition tribunal records in the Portuguese National Archives. Now the other ghanttis have also joined them. Jain ghanttis have now gone full retard by claiming that Goa was ruled by a fictitious "Jain King Kumud" instead of the Muslim Adil Shah of Bijapur when the Portuguese conquered Goa in 1510, and their king was killed by St. Francis Xavier. The more the ghanttis realise that their genetic 77 IQ means that their native places will never match what Catholic Goans have built, the more they'll have mental breakdowns like this. It's similar to African chimpouts in Western countries.

I also have to disagree with the author's statement about Goans having big families, BIMARU states have always had higher birth rates than the rest of India including Goa. But ghantti managers wanted cheap manual labour willing to work (no health and safety precautions) and live (slums) in bad conditions that Goans wouldn't tolerate. Local politicians also wanted a votebank willing to endorse corruption in exchange for freebies (majority of Goans back then had still not replaced Portuguese mentality with ghantti mentality).
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