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Goa Police Lodge FIR For Attack On Phal Desai While Unveiling Shivaji Bhosle’s Illegal Statue
Friday - Feb 23, 2024
Panjim: The Goa police on Tuesday registered a first information report (FIR) against unidentified persons for unlawful assembly and attack on state Social Welfare Minister Subhash Phal Desai after the unveiling of a statue of Shivaji Bhosle at a village in South Goa, a senior official said.
Phal Desai was injured when a mob attacked him with stones after he unveiled a statue of the non Goan and Maharashtrian Shivaji at Sao Jose De Areal village near Margao town on Monday. Monday marked the 394th birth anniversary of Shivaji Bhosle. An FIR has been registered against unknown persons for unlawful assembly and attack on the minister, Deputy Superintendent of Police Santosh Desai said.
While no one has been named in the FIR, the accused will be identified based on the video footage of the incident, he said. There was a heavy police presence in Sao Jose De Areal village after some people installed a statue of the Maratha king, while another group objected to it. Phal Desai had on Monday claimed that a mob who opposed the statue pelted stones at him after he had a brief dialogue with him. The minister had also clarified that he would not file a police complaint to ensure communal harmony is maintained.
Locals have claimed that they were not against the statue but opposed the illegal filling of land done to build an approach road to the structure. AAP MLA Cruz Silva, who was at the scene, had on Monday said that property owners were not taken into confidence while building the approach road for the statue. "The road was constructed overnight without valid permission," he alleged, adding that locals would not have objected if the person who installed the statue had taken proper permission.

Comments (5)
Thursday - Mar 7, 2024
Rupesh bab,

I saw the same video and it left a bad impression. Uday Bhembre and other Bamonns of his generation never said anything against the fake Marathi history put forward in the 1960s. They went along with posing Bandodkar and other Marathi migrants as Goans (instead of exposing the fakes and organising efforts to push out migrants from Goa), allowed Goa's education system to be dumbed down at the cost of Goan children for the sake of low-IQ Marathi children, let the original fake Shivaji statue be put up by Kakodkar government in the 1970s in Ponda Fort without making any sound, etc. So why is he making these noises now after so many decades? The harsh truth is that since ghanttis now outnumber Goans, Bamonns are now irrelevant in Goa. He and his fellow Bamonns need to accept that they screwed up permanently by encouraging mass immigration of ghanttis because they wanted cheap manual labour, and now they have zero credibility and relevance among Goans also.
Rupesh Pednekar
Sunday - Mar 3, 2024
I just saw a video of Uday Bhembre and spoke very honestly and truthfully, that shivaji was defeated by the Portuguese. The Portuguese also saved the women kidnapped by shivaji and his gangsters. Shivaji's defeat was so shameful that he signed peace treaty with the Portuguese. I can say Viva Goa, Goa is there because of Portuguese strength and love for the people of Goa.
Monday - Feb 26, 2024
The Marathi Makod again doubled down on his BS narratives about Shivaji while inaugurating yet another statue in Bardez (this time in Porvorim, aided by self-serving "sickular Catlick" Bamonn MLA Carlos Ferreira). The temple demolitions took place in the 1500s, Shivaji wasn't even born till 1630 and so how was he responsible for stopping anything? This is similar to when the Tourism department had earlier written BS on its website that the Aguada fort was built to guard against Maratha attacks (Aguada fort was built in 1612 to guard against the Dutch, not the Marathas). It's basically like the leftist historical dramas in the Woke West (e.g. Bridgerton), where they use non-White actors as White European historical characters for propaganda reasons. This "ghanttification" of Goan history is not to “add diversity” or even to lie, it’s to poke the native Catholic Goan majority in the eye.

The mentality of the ghanttis in Goa is the same as ghanttis in Mauritius, who were imported by the British as cheap labour for their plantations. Now the descendants of the cheap labour have started making up fairytales to justify their presence there. Mauritius was named in 1598 by the Dutch after their Prince Maurice of Nassau. However, the Hindus there now call it Marich Desh and claim falsely that it's named after Marich in the Ramayana. It's just the usual 77 IQ narrative like that of Africans ("WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHEEIT!") and further proof that Goa, like Mauritius, doesn't have Magic Dirt (ghantti behaviour stays the same because ghantti DNA remains the same).
Rupesh Pednekar
Saturday - Feb 24, 2024
I being a true Goan and a True Hindu, would like to say that Shivaji is not our Goan King, nor he is a Goan. He is a marathi ghatie and these Hindus who praise him and build his statues are not real Goans but b??t??d ghaties. This is the real truth. He has married 8 women for enjoyment, a 8 wife holder.
Friday - Feb 23, 2024
Goans need to do whatever it takes to get such political statues removed, whether the statues were put up "legally" or not. Marathi migrants are again trying to rewrite Goan history with the help of Bamonn haters like Phal Desai. They're putting up Shivaji statues all over Goa to give the false impression that the entire state was Maratha territory. Marathas never ruled the Velhas Conquistas and even Portuguese rule of Novas Conquistas was longer than Maratha rule.
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