Disgusting What This Pope Has Done And Is Doing - Trying To Bring Down Lord's Holy Church
Wednesday - Dec 20, 2023
What is forbidden by the Lord God Jesus, he is approving. Oh Lord! Please do away with this Pope and give us a proper Vicar of Yours to run the doctrines put forth by You O Lord! He is promoting a heinous sin under the guidance of lucifer. Pope Francis approved the blessing of same-sex marriages by Roman Catholic priests in a new landmark ruling, the Vatican announced on Monday.
A report from the Vatican’s doctrinal office said that priests would be permitted to bless same-sex marriages. Misleading the flock of the Lord and the ministers of the Church. Step down Bergolio! The Church of the Lord, and His flock does not need evil man like you on top. A report from the Vatican’s doctrinal office said that priests would be permitted to bless same-sex marriages but added that it should be under certain circumstances. The report read: “It will be possible to bless same-sex couples but without any type of ritualisation or offering the impression of a marriage."
“The doctrine regarding marriage does not change, and the blessing does not signify approval of the union." It added that it this ruling should not be confused with the sacrament of marriage between a man and a woman.
The report said priests should decide on a case-by-case basis and "should not prevent or prohibit the Church's closeness to people in every situation in which they might seek God's help through a simple blessing.” This ruling marks as a significant shift from the Vatican’s previous view on same-sex marriages. In 2021 the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated that the Catholic church could not bless same-sex couples as God “cannot bless sin."
Francis removed the official responsible for the document at the time after it received public outcry. He has been known for his attempts to make the church more welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community since his election in 2013. In 2020 he showed support for same-sex civil union, stating that “homosexual people have a right to be in a family.”
Father James Martin, an American Jesuit priest who advocates for the LGBTQ+ community, said the new ruling was “a major step forward in the church’s ministry.” In a post on X, he said: “As a priest I look forward to blessing same-sex couples, sharing with them the graces that God desires for everyone, something I’ve waited years to do."
Comments (11)
Anonymous the VIII
Wednesday - Dec 27, 2023
Norma Fernandes, you only prove by your comment that you are a fanatic, who has no reasoning, and only seeks others to believe what you believe in. You also make it very obvious that you are uneducated, not knowing the meaning or difference between culture and a physiological state of mind.
Can yo tell me where have you seen a CULTURE of same sex? Do I need to proceed more to tell you what your level of IQ is?
Wednesday - Dec 27, 2023
Bab Ignatius, the few Europeans who still support such immoral changes are mostly from the dying generation of Boomers (most of them dumb enough to believe Jewish-created pro-homosexual media). The changes to the Mass by Pope Paul VI weren't made for the convenience of Catholics, but as a failed attempt at outreach towards Protestants. Younger Catholics in Europe (who've grown up with Woke atheists and other "Diversity") are more traditional (Latin is a language option in their schools) and having larger families.
Norma Fernandes
Tuesday - Dec 26, 2023
Anonymous, whoever you are, it is evident that you are zero in the catholic faith. This proves that you are a supporter of Sins and sin committing people. You call this dirty culture a good thing? Are you happy that a satan planted pope has done something good? So why don't you find a good man for your as a same sex wife?
Anonymous the VIII
Sunday - Dec 24, 2023
Remedios Cruz, are you graduated in Theology? Or, are you graduate in History or Science? Is the Bible History? Or Science? How much of the Bible is verified as facts by History or Science? Ignorants speak any rubbish when they don't know facts. You believe in something, keep it to yourself, it does not mean it is Right!
Remedios Cruz
Friday - Dec 22, 2023
Shri Anonymous VIII it is not the stone that is caste. Just read the Bible, Revelation and you will see whether we are casting the stones or the the truth is unfolding of the prophesy revealed to John by the Lord Jesus, our Creator.
Remedios Cruz
Friday - Dec 22, 2023
If changes are made to satisfy people Shri Ignatius, then why not allow the gay marriages to satisfy the european people and other people who are lesbians and homosexuals? I know what Jesus said, to tie a millstone and drown such people who teach the children evil ways and this is one evil way that children pick up soon.
Ignatius Dias/Agassaim
Thursday - Dec 21, 2023
The RC from Goa may not like it, but this is acceptable by some Europeans. There were so many changes made in the past. Priest used to face the alter, mass was celebrated in Latin and so on. The changes were made for the convenience of the people.
Anonymous the VIII
Thursday - Dec 21, 2023
LGBT is a psychological disorder and NOT you think it is!
Shouldn't the sick be BLESSED? Is that your Religion?
BESIDES, blessing does not mean Sacrament of Marriage! READ properly what the Pope has sanctioned!!
Wednesday - Dec 20, 2023
Read the whole official document instead of reading BS media reporting. It appears that there is once again, ‘sound and fury, signifying nothing.’
The official document can be summed up as, "Clerics can bless anybody’ – like when somebody sneezes, you say, “God bless you” (which would be a ‘descending’ blessing #15). It states the obvious: anybody can thank or bless God (ascending #15) and the kind of ‘calling down’ (descending) blessing is allowed for anybody, including those in any kind of objectively sinful situation, including irregular ‘marriages’ and those who are acting out temptations particular to homosexuality. Makes logical sense, especially given that the first statement on entering a confessional is “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”
It however rules out (in #36) something where a cleric puts on a stole and blesses somebody in a pseudo-union which appears like a ‘liturgical or semi-liturgical act’ reminiscent of something in the Roman Ritual. This is most especially forbidden if this has any appearance of a ‘marriage’ blessing (c.f. #38, #39).
So, it does go to some length (esp. in #38), to tell certain German and Belgian heretics to stop making fake ceremonies. #39 would arguably render any attempted blessings of such ‘unions’ invalid.
#41 pretty much says enough with this question to both the cardinals who raised the dubia regarding "Amoris Laetitia", and to the other side who have been spamming the Pope's email inbox making requests for all kinds of allowances.
Will people (no thanks to the idiot media) twist this to do something stupid? Probably.
David Gordon
Wednesday - Dec 20, 2023
Trying to keep a dwindling flock.
C Pereira
Wednesday - Dec 20, 2023
He certainly isn't a Catholic pope