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Niz Goenkar
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Zulumxai – Bor: Justiniano Fernandes
Tuesday - Nov 29, 2022
Zulumxai – Bor: Justiniano Fernandes
Zulumxaien rajvott choloi
Kaklut viroit firngi serkar adlo
Bharoti porjek piddapidd ditalo
Ghuspott korun aplench dadoitalo
Virodhant konnem avaz kaddlear
Bhondkhonnint tankam ghaltalo
Oslea ani herank svotontr korunk
Mahatma Gandhi khub vavurlo
Porkianche gulamgirintlean
Soddounk moronk aito zalo
Ohinvsechem hatiar vaprun
Amkam boro rosto ugoddlo
Tachea koxttank foll mellon
Ublovarear tin rongi bhautto
Khori svotontrtai melltoch porza
Khoxen bhorli khaunk niz goto
Atam such gavot porjen ass ballgili
Mahatma Gandhi aslo tor
Lojen man khala ghaltolo aslo

Comments (18)
Monday - Dec 5, 2022
Hyaenas are scavengers in the wild. They usually wait for big animals, such as lions to hunt and eat and then they have the leftovers

Every time there's a complaint against MdG, about 3-4 hyaenas, who usually hide in their gudds all year long, , come out to feast on the left overs. Still to come Bikun. Some piss cleaner Fernando Nondon. A high lifer, former pig catcher and kopos champ- Niz gOAN. MdG doesn't give a 5hit and MdG ain't going anywhere
Monday - Dec 5, 2022
@MdG, you are using foul language. Raj has only called you a ghatie. Why are you trying to differ on your say? You are using ugly bad words which are not well mannered. Did you take a good drink of Gin or Vodka before using foul language?
Monday - Dec 5, 2022
Bhadwa said 'It was good that your mahatma was made to sleep' So, Niz Goenkar Raj (Kundra), is glorifying murder fine? If yes, then you too can smd
Sunday - Dec 4, 2022
Dear MdG,

Kindly refrain from using vulgar words on the site, which is indecent and intolerable. Yes you can expose people and fearlessly write your feelings but kindly refrain from using vulgar language as it defames the site and your Goan Culture. Raj thank you for pointing out the issue, I was unaware at the time I approved the comments.

I apologise on behalf of our Editor and myself for missing out on this.

Both Raj and MdG have a nice day and do comment but sensibly without using the vulgar words directly.

Best regards
Alisha Da Cunha
Niz Goenkar
Augustine Dias
Sunday - Dec 4, 2022
@Raj, yes what you are saying is right. How come the moderator of the site did not see it? I am commenting here for the first time, though I am reading the site everyday. MdG comments with good knowledge and does good commenting but that does not mean he should use vulgar words on this site. I like to read MdG comments. I do support MdG in all his comments by appreciating his knowledge and correct comments. But I would not support him in this for using vulgar words. Editor and Moderator must pay more attention on the words. I also understand that given the load of work, somethings will go unseen. Raj you have done a good thing by pointing out the error that should not appear on this good site. But also MdG is a good guy, who exposes the RSS, BJP etc.
Sunday - Dec 4, 2022
Nasir bab, just read what mdg wrote "chokh majha lavada.....tujhu ai jhavali" This is not the language to be used if you are a nizgoenkar.
Saturday - Dec 3, 2022
@Raj wow, that's a new low, someone with a name like Raj calls me ghatti,
For the record, it's ghat - ghatis, people who came down the ghats, from Maharashtra, which has 15 ghats in all and goes with the Sahyadri. These people were generally labourers and looked down by even their own people. In Portuguese Goa they came in large numbers, making us a minority in our own land

Raj/ Pramod Sawant/ Navin/ Manoj Parab are all such Goan Ghattis, may be born here but ancestors are from ghats. GOMO - ghattis of Maharashtra origin. They may be born here, but their language, mindset, attitude and kuldevta is still Maharastrian

They have taken over Goan land and Government and now want to even take over our peace online. Wonder which of these was recently involved in hacking this site.
Xec Nasir
Saturday - Dec 3, 2022
Hey Raj, have you seen the language used by Navin Bharve? I don't think MdG is a ghattie, and at the same time Navin is also not a ghattie. But it was Navin who created the mess here with his very first unwanted comment asking the writer a question which was out of way in fact. So just don't accuse MDG. MDG had only responded to Navin. Yes I agree the language must be used properly.
Saturday - Dec 3, 2022
Arre ghatti Bharve aka Badwa
Why are you ashamed of your family ancestors? Answer the fking question. That you are originally a ghatti from Maharashtra. So I again ask you ‘ Are you not a deshashta bamon from Maharashtra?? YES OR NO. Tū mūḷacā kuṭhē āhēsa, madaraphakara

As you support Nathuram Godse and RSS/ Modi I wish to ask you another question

You said, using language of a hijra, ‘Good that your Mahatma was made to sleep’ translated, good that Gandhi was murdered. Leave aside politics and reasoning. Which decent human being would support murder????? And you have a bamon surname???tuh on u

Where is humanity or even manhood mardangi, that a young man shoots an elderly, frail, unarmed man at point blank range?? as you support this, u obviously will be a Modi supporter and even support the rapists of bilkas bano!!

What next? after a few drinks, go home and enter your sister’s room??
or be her Navin( new) bharva
Saturday - Dec 3, 2022
Arey ghante MDG, mind your language. What language are you using. Does it suit you. You are full of ego and will never accept defeat.
Navin Bharve
Friday - Dec 2, 2022
Arey, bhadvea MdG, tum pollun bonvtai, tar tujekadden sakail asa re? You and all the others like you are licking the ass of arabs and trying to make money. Have you any proof that Ghodse was lending his back hole to Veer Savarkar? Or was your mahatma gandhi was doing it? You also must be doing it.
Thursday - Dec 1, 2022
@Navin Bhadwa or New Bhadwa..Please answer the question, are u not a deshashatha bamon from Maharashtra? YES OR NO

Most likely from District Solapur

Arre gahtiya, because of Ghattis like u, many of us have left Goa. At least leave us in peace online?This is Niz Goenkar not Niz Maharashtra. So please fk off, ur not welcome here.

I can understand your hatred and frustration towards Mahatma Gandhi. He freed those dalits and gave people like Ambedkar political power. Who you treated worse than animals for thousands of years. After your fellow gay Maharashtra bamon Godhse killed Gandhi, there were anti bamon riots and many of u ran away, got killed or got a nice beating. The kula kadya land act 1949-59 reduced many of u guys to poverty and hence your ancestors, like bikaris, must have taken their hatli potli and dangling two balls and come to Goa on a bullock cart. To eat our xen, fodr-tea.

So, from Gods, Gandhi and congress reduced you to gobar...completely understand the hatred, get well majha l????da...tujhu ai j?????i...
Navin Bharve
Thursday - Dec 1, 2022
Arey halkatta MdG, you are a sniffing dog, who has no brains. Go and wash the back side of your mahatma gandhi, who was also a womaniser like your nehru.
Thursday - Dec 1, 2022
Brahve aka badwa
Is a ghatti surname from Maharashtra. Arre ghaati what are u doing in a niz goenkar forum?? For us, doesn't matter if people were born in Goa, like Pramod Sawant, they still are ghattis and show all ghatti traits. Just like you

Shouldn't you be in Modi loves Nepali boys forum?
Navin Bharve
Wednesday - Nov 30, 2022
MdG arey, tu tache paras bhadva. Hanga kitem shenn khatai re. You are talking like woman that you are. It was good that your mahatma was made to sleep.
Wednesday - Nov 30, 2022
Bharve-Nathuram Godse cho bhadva
Godse ani Sawarkar dogoi bonk mari
aagh tuh
Wednesday - Nov 30, 2022
Bharve bhad bhadva
Navin Bharve
Wednesday - Nov 30, 2022
Arey tugelo mahatma gandhi kitko so baro re?
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